Friday, October 5, 2018

The Pretenders

In 2016, after what went on with the Democratic presidential primaries, and as the general election kept unfolding, I knew not to let the Democratic Party receive any of my votes.

During that period, numerous “progressives” revealed how they were either desperate or dishonest. A common example was smearing Green Party nominee Jill Stein. (I voted not only for Stein but, from my home state Michigan, I also voted for a straight-ticket Green Party.) Anything that could get thrown at her—whether it was about wi-fi or about Russia—was used to prop up Hillary Clinton. 

It is actually good numerous Pretenders have exposed themselves. One of them, and this goes back to the summer of 2016, was David Pakman. In fact, shortly after he did that, his sidekick Louis Motamedi left his program. This week, Pakman and Sam Seder and Benjamin Dixon went after one who dissents, Jimmy Dore. Pakman, in particular, made a broad comment aimed at people who are in agreement with Dore.

Some actual progressives—those who are not sucking up to the corrupt, corporate, Democratic Party Establishment—struck back.

The Pretenders—those political people who make their living, such as with having a program (radio, podcast, et al.), telling viewers and listeners who are progressives they are with them on politics and policies but are liars and party shills—need to become more and more exposed.

Thank you, Niko House, Jamarl Thomas, and Tim Black!

Here are some of their videos:

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