Monday, April 29, 2019

Joe Biden Will Not Be U.S. President

There is no doubt the No. 1 priority of the corrupt, corporate, Democratic Party Establishment is to prevent actual progressives from leading the political party.

This speaks very much to high-profile offices, starting with president of the United States.

Last Thursday [April 25, 2019], 47th vice president of the United States and former Delaware U.S. Sen. Joe Biden made it official: He is running to unseat Republican incumbent Donald Trump for president of the United States in 2020.

If Biden gets nominated, what the corrupt, corporate, Democratic Party Establishment will achieve is preventing Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard from the nomination. That is what they care about—if they can only care about one thing with 2020—protecting their status quo of continuing to serve not the people but Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex.

It is not difficult to understand what would come of a 2020 Trump-vs.-Biden general election.

There is plenty to consider.

I can sum it up with this one example (because it speaks to historical pattern):

No member of Congress who voted for the wars in Vietnam or Iraq was later elected president of the United States.

The last two losing Democratic presidential nominees—John Kerry (2004) and Hillary Clinton (2016)—voted for the war in Iraq.

The losing Republican presidential nominee from 2008, John McCain, voted for the war in Iraq.

If the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries voters vote the nomination to Joe Biden—and I mean going on the assumption (not that I would really assume) it would be legitimate—they are beyond being fools.

Joe Biden will not be president of the United States.

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