Monday, March 6, 2023

Marianne Williamson Is In (For Now)

This past weekend, author Marianne Williamson announced she is seeking the presidency of the United States. This is also for the 2024 Democratic nomination. This would apparently be a primary challenge, as well, to incumbent 46th U.S. president Joe Biden.

I must confess the following: While normally I would weigh in with more than what I will now offer—like with what are her chances; what would need to happen in her favor—I find enough time has passed in which I do not care.

This is not about Marianne Williamson.

This is about the Democratic Party.

I have not voted, in a general election, for any person who is affiliated with the Democratic Party since the midterm elections of 2014. 

Since the Democrats rigged their presidential primary in 2016, I have not been willing to vote at all in a general election for Team Blue.

Why should I? When the 2016 Democrats rigged the presidential nomination against Bernie Sanders…they also rigged it against every person who voted the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination to Bernie Sanders.

What this amounts to, for me, is a freeing feeling to not be a willing participant in what I now recognize is a scam operation that is named the Democratic Party

I do not need the Democratic Party. 

The Democratic Party should be needing me.

⭐️ ⭐️ 🌟 ⭐️ ⭐️ 

Next Sunday, March 12, 2023, will be the 95th Academy Awards on ABC. 

This ceremony is for film achievements for the year 2022.

When I was younger…I regularly tuned in. In fact…I first tuned in, 40 years ago, in 1983. This was the ceremony for motion-picture achievements for the year 1982.

Now, at age 51 (going on 52), I am not really with it anymore.

I outgrew the Oscars. 

What I nowadays do, and perhaps it’s my way of still being remotely in touch, is check the list of nominees particularly for those recognized for the first time. This is especially the case with performances. Some actors who I generally like. First-time nominations. This year something remarkable happened. Of the 20 performance nominations, 16 are first-timers. For the first time in over 80 years, all Best Actor nominees are also first-timers. Typically, around 50 percent of the recognized performance slots go to first-time nominees. The 2022 nominees, in the performance categories, are 80 percent first-timers. So, good for them! (I am particularly pleased for 64-year-old and long-overdue Jamie Lee Curtis.)

I will check out the list of winners after the ceremony. I may even move myself to see some of the nominated productions. (Whenever I get around to doing so.) But, as a I get older…I don’t feel the need to keep up. It is not for a lack of appreciation for movies. It is my response to not being as thrilled in recent years with the entertainment industry, as a whole, and this includes feature films, and certainly not with anywhere near the satisfaction I experienced in my past years.

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