Monday, July 17, 2023

Supporting Third-Party Candidacies

I support running for office, in general, and including for the presidency of the United States, by persons outside the two major U.S. political parties.

I support Cornel West’s decision to run outside the two major political parties.

A person who runs outside the two major political parties, and what votes he receives, do not belong to either of the two major political parties.

Since 2000—a Republican pickup of the presidency to George W. Bush (in an election year in which the nation had to elect a new president because the incumbent, Democrat Bill Clinton, was term-limited)—the Democrats have created and pushed a narrative to excuse their losses. 

The Democratic Party’s election-loss excuses tend to more often get expressed in election cycles which switch the presidency to the column of the Republican Party. And the narrative tends to be that the Democratic Party did not earn their loss. The excuse is that a candidate outside the two major political parties earned votes that belong to the Democratic Party.

This Democratic Party narrative was pedaled in 2000 and in 2016. It was used against Green Party nominees Ralph Nader and Jill Stein. This was done with the intent to create a belief in Loyal Democrats—or those more likely to generally vote for the Democrats before they would vote for the Republicans—to buy into, to keep accepting, willful failures by the Democratic Party. To get people who are willing to listen—and are willing to believe; to not question; to not analyze—to excuse and continue to support the Democratic Party.

A part of this is also designed to get people who are Loyal Democrats, or would vote Democrat before they would vote Republican, to feel they and this nation need the Democrats; rather than it being the Democratic Party who should be needing these citizens and their votes.

I see a part of this, which also includes voter-shaming and voter-bullying, to be a form of psychological warfare (or, as some label it, a psyop).

The Democratic Party is a scam operation. 

The Democratic Party is full of con artists.

I reject the Democratic Party. 

I support the decisions of Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, and Cornel West—and anyone else I should name—to run outside not just the Republican Party but especially the Democratic Party.

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