Monday, August 5, 2024

‘Rethinking Election 2024…’


We are, as of this topic’s publishing date, three months out from the general election which is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Last month, Democratic incumbent U.S. president Joe Biden was still in the race. He had enough pledged delegates for re-nomination. Biden looked poised to go down in flames. That Biden, with Gallup reporting June 3–24, 2024 his job approval is at 38 percent, was cooked.
In “Election 2024: A New Trajectory” (July 8, 2024), I wrote about a series of state polls which suggested Donald Trump was on pace for re-election to a level possibly reaching 40 carried states. A number of those states, like Minnesota and New Jersey, have not carried for a Republican in decades. A lot played out in July. There was the attempted assassination on Trump. Later in the month, Biden agreed, after pressure, to drop his bid for a second term. And now we have another twist.

The twist is that U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has become more popular. Democrats, who were not energized about Biden, are now excited for Harris. Her approvals are on the rise. She is on par with Trump for the polls, national and in the “Swing States,” and may end up winning election to become the 47th president of the United States.

Is this believable?

I look at this in more ways than one. 

I also consider the following for some insights…

Joe Rogan and guest Michael Malice consider whether Kamala Harris will win.


Due Dissidence, with guest Kit Cabello (Hard Lens Media), has its discussion. Popping in, briefly, cohost Keaton Weiss delivered a warning for anyone who thinks Trump will glide to re-election.


The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté also addressed this … and an even bigger concern.


Rethinking Election 2024: No to Biden and Trump

In response to a discussion between Due Dissidence cohost Russell Dobular and guest Misty Winston, I wrote and posted the following SuperChat: 

Rethinking Election 2024: On January 20, 2025 … Kamala Harris becomes the [47th] U.S. president. That The People are over not only Biden but also Trump.”

Russell concurred with, “You may be right.”

As a forum member of “Talk Elections,” on Dave Leip’s Atlas for U.S. Presidential Elections, I wrote the following:

My sense of this is that the 2024 Democrats may have saved their a**es by blinking first. Meaning … getting out Joe Biden. 

What can be going on is that there are people who are done not only with Joe Biden but also with Donald Trump. 

I am thinking especially of people who do not give their time to regularly following politics. That they are not watching such content on television, seeking and reading about this on the Internet, and engaging online with politics in discussion forums. 

These individuals, who do participate in voting (presidential elections before any other cycles), may look forward to Election Season … like some people look forward to preparing and filing their income taxes. 

What this election can mean for these people is that they had dreaded the initial 2024 rematch of Biden-vs.-Trump. To say to oneself, “These same two people are the best that we can do?!” 

Having a different person as the 2024 general-election nominee for the Democratic Party may be enough for these individuals. It means … a turn-the-page opportunity which can be satisfying for a good number of these citizens and voters.

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