Monday, March 17, 2025

‘[Democrats’s] Failures…’

I describe the named Democratic Party as follows:

• The Democratic Party is not an actual political party.
• The Democratic Party is a scam operation which is full of con artists.

I don’t tend to go any further because overdoing it runs the risk of being less effective in communication.

Approval on the Democratic Party is lately very low. Which is good. Unfortunately, they still exist.

The above video, livestreamed on Saturday, March 15, 2025 by Hard Lens Media, is titled “[Democrats’s] Failures Cause Infighting As They Gave Away Power & Any Resistance To Trump.” Host Kit Cabello covers a lot, in a period of nearly 90 minutes, and this includes the most recent betrayal by former United States Senate majority leader (now minority leader) Chuck Schumer of New York.

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