This video came to my attention of a superdelegate explaining why it would be good for the Democratic Party to retain the nominating system for presidential contenders.
I found Elaine Kamarck offensive. I do not want my vote selections to be approved by anyone. And what Kamarack—and what the continuation of superdelegates—represents is not democracy.
Given this comes from the Democratic Party, which has been pretending for decades to be the party of the people, it is no wonder it is experiencing deep divide.
Above is the YouTube-uploaded video. Go to the mark of 01:54 for the beginning of that interview.
Below is a link for information on Elaine Kamarck. (Notice: She was part of that “New Democrat” movement which overtook the Democratic Party and ruined it for the years to come.)
Additional Note
One month ago today [September 25, 2017] was the first official day of Progressives Chat.
Okay, that sounds a little too much.
I started this blog because I wanted a place where a number of regulars can post freely about whatever may be on one’s mind. And, to go along with a given day’s topic, it makes Progressives Chat feel like it is not without purpose.
I did not have a blog prior to Progressives Chat. So, this is my first. I thank a particular person who helped me. And I appreciate all who contribute with their comments.