Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden Is Out!

The speculation, for months, that incumbent United States president Joe Biden will not end up with the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nomination … is official.

This decision was announced on Sunday [July 21, 2024].

This whole situation is—to put it kindly—tasteless.

I consider this an extension of a Democratic Party rigging their presidential primaries to exert as much control as they can muster. (None of what has recently transpired lacked awareness for a few years.)

The 2016 Democratic presidential nomination was rigged for Hillary Clinton.

The 2020 Democratic presidential nomination was rigged for Joe Biden.

The 2024 Democratic presidential nomination will be rigged for … Substitute Nominee.

Below videos are responses by content creators (Congratulations, Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss!):

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