Monday, August 19, 2024

Un-Democratic Convention


The 1968 Democratic National Committee’s convention was held in Chicago, Illinois … as it is also the location here in 2024.

Lyndon Johnson, in 1968, and Joe Biden, in 2024, were—and are—unpopular even in their own party.

In 1968, the nomination went to sitting vice president Hubert Humphrey. In 2024, the nomination will be going to sitting vice president Kamala Harris.

Above is video harkening back 56 years. (The calendar, in leap years, repeats every 28 years. In 1968, August 19 was also on a Monday. Back then, though, the DNC Convention began August 26, 1968.)

In 1968, party insiders—regardless of the primaries—gave the nomination to Humphrey. In 2024, party insiders—regardless of the primaries—will be giving the nomination to Harris.

The 2024 convention, compared to 1968, appears to be much more controlled. (Technology.) 

Below video gives one this sense.

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