Friday, September 13, 2019

iPhone 11

On Tuesday, September 10, 2019, Apple had a live-streaming presentation of its upcoming products. This obviously includes the iPhone 11.

I have the iPhone 6 Plus, which was a 2014 model that I purchased in 2015. It works fine. But, because it is my first smartphone (well, I had a prior box phone; a starter type that did not suffice), I don’t know how long I will have it before moving into a newer or new model. I anticipate keeping it at least one more year. So, I figure I will not be buying the iPhone 11.

This is what helped me avoid watching Apple’s live-stream presentation of its upcoming products. I was not available. And I have not yet bothered to watch it from either YouTube or Apple’s app.

I feel good just watching others, with their published YouTube videos, talk about the new model. I especially prefer looking to a person I generally trust for his reviews of electronics. His name is Marques Brownlee. He has been on guest on Joe Rogan’s program. And Brownlee has an approach to reviewing products that are, for his audience, relatable and insightful.

I want to also present the link to a report about a change in buying pattern. The rate in which people—people who are consumers—buy a new smartphone has become less frequent. This does not surprise me. But, the report, published August 21, 2019, was well-worthy of my having read it. Perhaps readers of Progressives Chat will agree. So, I will share it here: ‘The two year upgrade cycle is dead,’ according to new survey.

Following are the two iPhone 11 videos by Marques Brownlee:

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