Friday, August 21, 2020

‘Unapologetic’ and ‘Obvious’

Unaplogetic has a video titled “Kyle Kulinski & Krystal Ball Keep Pushing Failed Takeover Of Dem Party.” 

I found myself, while viewing it, reading some comments from viewers.

It turns out both Unapologetic and a commenter named Captain Obvious are really perceptive.

The video is by Unapologetic.

Here are a couple comments (with some editing for clarification) by Captain Obvious:

Kyle Kulinski claims that he and Cenk Uygur did extensive research into the question of whether Leftists/progressives should attempt to take over the Democratic Party or start a 3rd party back in 2016 before starting the Justice Democrats. However, the 1st problem with this claim is that neither one of them has shared this “research” with the public so that we might all look at it. Both of them have only claimed to have done the research—so, just trust them on the correctness of the conclusion. The 2nd problem with all of this is that both Cenk and Kyle acted fairly surprised about the Donna Brazile ‘revelations’ in her [2017] book [Hacks…] about the DNC rigging of the 2016 Dem primary. Bear in mind that the timing of the Brazile revelations were after the forming of the Justice Democrats. So. if the rigging of the 2016 Dem primary was news to Cenk and Kyle when Donna Brazile published her book, then how could it have been a factor they considered in their “research”?
The 3rd problem with all of this is Kyle makes no adjustments in his outlook based on new evidence. Kyle has told Niko House that he is now agnostic towards the idea of election fraud particularly pertaining to the differences between the exit polls and vote results. However, this apparently never causes him to reconsider the conclusion of his supposed extensive “research into the matter. So, even when Kyle seems to be leaning into believing that the Dems might be outright cheating in their primaries, as indicated by the exit polls, he still never says a word about what all of that could mean in regards to taking over the party vs. building a new one. So, what Kyle does instead is what Cenk Uygur does—and that’s just [to] ignore it all. Since there were no WikiLeaks reveal or Donna Brazile book this time, in 2020, just pretend all the same issues of election fraud that happened in 2016 didn’t just happen again this time in 2020—and run with the MSM narrative that Sanders lost, fair and square, in a mostly free and fair primary. Ignore the widespread election integrity/election fraud issues in the Dem party because, if you do focus on it, it’s pretty apparent that Cenk and Kyle reached the wrong conclusion in their supposed “research” that they never published for others to see. In fact, I’d bet money their “research” was nothing more than a conversation in which Cenk told Kyle that starting a 3rd party would be too hard and Kyle agreed with little to no pushback.

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My stance is that the Dems are no longer a real political party at all and, therefore, must be destroyed and replaced by 3rd party—or no change will ever happen except for the change of things getting even worse. 

When I say the Dems are not a real political party, I mean that they don’t function as one. A political party is a collection of people with a shared worldview and a policy agenda. That policy agenda is stated in the party platform. That the Democratic Party platform is utterly meaningless, and bears no resemblance to the reality of how Dems operate in office, proves my point about the Dems not being a real political party. What the Dems are is a fundraising corporation and a mechanism of control designed to flush away all of the Left’s efforts to obtain progressive policy. The main function of the Dems is simply to maximize fundraising profits which therefore makes them, first and foremost, a fundraising corporation. The Dems are more than willing to lose elections, even thousands of seats nationwide, if they squeeze out even more money from corporate donors. While that doesn’t necessarily mean that any one particular Dem wants to lose a race they are running in, it does mean that fundraising is more important to Dems than winning elections as a whole. The policy the Dems produce in office is simply a function of the perpetual effort to maximize fundraising profits. This model happens to work because Democrats know the Republicans will also, when in office, only produce the same corporate policy which will inevitably cause a voter backlash. This is known as The Seesaw Effect. Both corporate “parties” are simply continually trading places as the party with the temporary majority share of power as Americans are so conditioned and brainwashed against building new parties that voters flip-flop back and forth between two ever-worsening choices. And all of this is why I have come to believe that Lefties/progressive who run in the Dem party, even if they win, are doing more harm than good. Because of how badly the Dems cheats the Left in their rigged Dem primaries, every progressive Dem who makes it through the gauntlet of a rigged Dem primary creates false hope in other Lefties that change is just right around the corner—and the DemEnter strategy is correct—when none of that is true. While a pitiful handful of progressive Dems might make it through the rigged Dem primaries, the vast majority won’t and can’t. This makes the ones who do make it through a sort of mirage the Left is spellbound by. And that mirage will keep the Left crawling forward like a dying man in the desert, achieving nothing, for decades.

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