“Entertainment Weekend” threads invite you to share anything—including content—on movies, television, and music on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
In October 2017, timed for the start of the current two-month marathon of holiday movies on Hallmark Channel, I wrote and posted the following blog thread: “It’s Almost Here: The 2017 Hallmark Channel ‘Countdown to Christmas’” October 2017. Someone, outside Progressives Chat, alerted me to this piece, from December 12, 2017, “White! Christmas!” Slate. Read it for your own entertainment. (Some of it is interesting. But, I didn’t take it too seriously.)
Last Monday, December 9, 2017 came nominations for the 75th Golden Globe for film and television for the year 2017. I personally don’t care much for them; don’t make the point to watch their annual ceremonies; but, they are looked at as a bellwether to the Academy Awards. The list of nominees are here: Hollywood Reporter.