Wednesday, May 20, 2020

‘The Democrats never learn’

Since 2016, just after Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton lost the United States presidential election to a Republican pickup winning Donald Trump, there has been a phrase often repeated.

The Democrats never learn.

This is about corporate Democrats rejecting progressivism—and some progressives, actual progressives, thinking the corporate Democrats are wrong in their understanding of the electorate and the period in which we are living.

This comes from those who voted the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination not to Hillary Clinton but to Bernie Sanders.

The Democrats never learn.

The progressives have it wrong.

Who hasn’t learned—at least not yet—are those progressives who are still being a part of the Democratic Party.

Being a part of the Democratic Party involves not just running for office in the Democratic Party. It also includes voting for the Democratic Party.

The Democrats—the corporate Democrats—do not have “their blinders on,” which are words used in the above Hard Lens Media video. (That video commentary is about the party’s recent loss, in a Republican pickup, of the special U.S. House election in California’s 25th Congressional District.)

The corporate Democrats have the party they, for the most part, want.

What the corporate Democrats really want, if they could get it to work out for them, was revealed and explained in 2014 by New York U.S. senator and minority leader Chuck Schumer.

“For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia—and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”

I will re-post the quote with the emphasis (in bold) which allows one to accurately read between the lines of that important message.

“For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia—and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”

Chuck Schumer, and the rest of his fellow corporate Democrats, would like to choose—if they can—for their voters to be Republicans.

[Republicans] are who and what Chuck Schumer and his fellow corporate Democrats want.

It’s who they are.

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