Sunday, July 12, 2020

‘Unapologetic’ with ‘Skepticism’ for ‘Good Progressives’

Two wonderful videos were published to YouTube, on June 25 and July 1, 2020, by Unapologetic.

They appear above.

This general-election period—well, for those people following politics who have their minds in that mode—is one in which I anticipate plenty of Good Progressives will remind us who they truly are.

I am referring to celebrity and/or professional Good Progressives who talk a great game, outside the period of a general election, about how we need change—and how we need better representation particularly from the Democratic Party. But, after the Democratic Party Establishment screws actual progressives, as they routinely do, most especially in primaries, some of these Good Progressives still get in line—and some of them urge their listeners to follow.

To write I feel “Skepticism”—as part of this blog topic’s title—is putting it mildly. I used that word because I consider however many of those to whom I have been exposed over the last several years. Some of them are genuine. But, some of them—especially when Election Time is around the corner or has arrived—tell me who they truly are: frauds.

As we move further along, here in 2020, and we are now in the second half of the year, I anticipate an even greater number of Good Progressives talking up how it is important to prevent Republican incumbent U.S. president Donald Trump from winning a second term. (Just as they talked that up, prior to his winning a first term, in 2016.)

The thing with me is: I have never lost sleep over Trump being president. (Part of the reason: the White House party switches, more often times with every eight years, as does the Congress in one or both midterm elections following a Republican or Democratic presidential pickup year.) And possibly unseating Trump, here in 2020, is not a priority for me. It’s not a priority with me, especially with the surrender-your-mind message “Vote Blue No Matter Who,” and not with the previous U.S. vice president who is typical party-line corporatist Joe Biden.

There is good reason for this. 

I have come to recognize—and I have noted it here, yes, but also observed it even before this blog site launched in 2017—that the following is true. 

“The No. 1 enemy of true progressives are not conservatives and/or the Republican Party. The No. 1 enemy of true progressives are the corrupt, corporate, Democratic Party Establishment.”

The “Good Progressives”—who spoke during primary season about how awful is Joe Biden; and now that he is the 2020 presumptive Democratic presidential nominee; and that the general-election period will continue to gain steam as the calendar keeps moving—will once again reveal themselves.

A good example of who is further revealing himself is David Pakman. After the above two videos, Unapologetic published to YouTube, on July 8 and July 9, more content turning focus to Pakman. It’s interesting. And this is where I will conclude this blog topic. (The next one will be published Wednesday, July 15 followed by a third on Friday, July 17. Both at 06:00 a.m. ET. Yes—there will be three, not two, blog topics for this week.)

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